Monday, April 21, 2014

Reset me, baby!

Today is Wednesday, April 16, 2014.
Today is the day that I began my Ultimate reset!!!
If you don't know what that is, basically, it's a 21 Day Detox system that is created by Beachbody and I am SO excited about it!
Well, I'll tell you!

For starters, there is no strenuous exercise! Sounds like my kinda system... how about you, eh? All joking aside, though, there really is nothing more than a couple of brisk 20 minute walks a day. This is because the program is filled with supplements that are supposed to help you clean out you system from the inside, out. So while you may not be getting in a lot of crazy exercise, you are working hard on your internal systems. 

Before I tell you anymore about what the program entails, I want to tell you why I am doing this.
As you may know, I have struggled with both my physical and mental health for a while. Part of my struggle has been addiction to food. I have used food as a vice throughout my life, and I know that I am addicted to it... especially a few types of foods that really wreak havoc on my body. (Particularly fried foods and chocolate anything!) The problem is, when I eat these foods, I choose not to worry about eating them in moderation, and the thing is, because of that, I have developed many health problems, as well as a loss of self control. It's a horrible cycle to fall into...
I thought that participating in this reset would help me really understand why my body craves the foods that it does, and how I can find a way to move myself from the reliance I have on foods that make me sick to my stomach. I am not saying that food is bad, but I do believe that we (especially Americans) have perverted the idea of food and what it is meant to do for us.
Food is a social culture in American society. It is used as a way to socialize and entertain more than it is to build and sustain life. My hope from participating in this reset, is that I will find a way to create a meaning for food in my life that will be both healthy as well as enjoyable. I think it is great to find joy in food, but I feel there are different reasons to enjoy food than the reasons I currently live with....
and that is why I am doing this reset...

So, over the next 21 days, I will be following a strict meal plan and schedule, and I will be tracking my thoughts, ideas, progress, and everything else along the way!
My starting weight: 158 pounds... I got out of control the last couple of months, and I am ready to reign it back in!

Morning 1 Breakfast! Yum!

Day 1 Lunch... I have never tried Miso soup before, but it's pretty good!

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