Saturday, January 11, 2014

It's a Secret

Today, I want to talk about something that we refer to as
 "The Secret".
You may have heard of Rhonda Byrne's book, with this title, and THAT is exactly what I am referring to!
If you haven't read the book, or watched the documentary, "The Secret" is basically the idea that what you are surrounded by in life is what you have attracted to your own being.
I would also like to share this quote:

You are now wondering, "Where in the heck is she headed with all this?"
Am I right?

Well, I have recently learned that when applied to life, these statements WORK!

Now what does all this have to do with being healthy?
Well, what I have found is that when you are not happy where you are now, you won't be happy where you are later, no matter what might come your way.
What does that mean?
For me, it meant that I had to learn to be grateful for what I had before I would ever be grateful for what I now have! I used to mutilate myself, both physically and mentally. I was my own bully, constantly talking myself down and telling myself that I was not valuable. Because this was my mindset, I did not choose to treat my physical self like the treasure that it is. I fueled my body with junk. I didn't drink adequate water. I rarely gave myself the opportunity to partake in therapeutic exercise. I was so consumed in my own self hatred, that I could not be truly happy for those I associated with, and so I would seer in envy thinking that 'they' were happier than I would ever be. This in turn would cause me to feel even more down then I was before. So, how did it change?
Well, it was a slow process, but it started with a statement my mother said to me one day. She said, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." 
It took years for that to really set into me, but I feel that I fully understand that concept now. I used to be overcome with anxiety when I felt that I couldn't control events or people in my life. With that idea in my mind, however, I began to change myself in order to better fit the circumstances that were once causing my anxiety, and something amazing began to happen!
First, I began to feel GENUINELY HAPPY for the good events that were taking place around me. Then, slowly, I began to realize that being happy for others helped me to be grateful for what I had, and in turn, I felt that I had more than I had ever had before. More energy, more drive, more meaning in life, and it CHANGED me! I began focusing on what was going well in my life, and noticing less and less what was going wrong. It seems like each day, there is more and more wellness, and less and less of the opposite, and with that happening, I am now ready to take what I have and give it to others, and that, in turn, is giving me more than anything I have ever experienced before!

If you are struggling in life, I challenge you to write down ten things you are grateful for every day for the next thirty days. See what changes begin taking shape in your life! If you take this challenge, come back and tell me about it! I'd love to hear your results!

(Thanks to Hilary Weeks' Facebook Page for the photo I posted above. Also, thanks to Rhonda Byrne for opening my eyes. If you are interested, her book is great!)

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