Friday, January 10, 2014

My Story: When Life Gives You Lemons

Welcome to my journey!
If you haven't figured it out yet, I LOVE life!
I was dealt some pretty tough hands early in my life, and as a young adult, I began to let those trials define me. The result was a life not lived, and a very rough bout of depression. 
This is my story:

My name is Cheltzey Newman.
I was born in a small town in South East Idaho, to great parents. 
My childhood was easy, simple, and blessed.
Both of my parents were entrepreneurs, so I guess you could say the 'go-getter' attitude was instilled in me from the get-go. I grew up surrounded by a rural agriculture based community, which I loved, and I relished in the joys that came with the small-town lifestyle. Hard-work, family, and taking advantage of God's beautiful creations. Yes, my life was peaches and cream, and as a child, I never thought it could be different.

Early in my teenage years, I was faced with a trial like none I had faced before. My perfect life came crashing down around me when I was told, after 14 years of what seemed like a happy marriage, that my parents had decided life would be better lived if they split and went their separate ways. I was devastated, and it started to show, not only through my rapidly dropping school-grades and loss of interest in friends, but in my outward appearance as well.

I had always been healthy. Never the bean-pole frame that many children carry, and around twelves years old, I was carrying a few extra pounds, but they were quickly hidden by a sudden growth spurt that I had in 6th grade, and I filled into myself quite nicely. It was during high school that I began to gain weight again, and I went from a size 6 pant size to a size 12 by the end of my senior year.

I have now been out of high school for four and a half years, and was at my heaviest about 6 months ago. In July of 2013, I weighed about 170 pounds. Not only that, but I was suffering from health problems as well, and I seemed to be sick all the time. When I wasn't actually physically sick, it took all I could to get out of bed in the morning because I was suffering from depression on top of everything else that was going on. This doesn't mean i didn't have happy times through it all, but it was effecting me enough that I was struggling with my job and my college classes. I began to use my depression as an excuse to keep me away from progression, and became even more miserable. It wasn't until early in 2013, though that I decided enough was enough and something needed to be done, so I began researching everything I could about the issues I was having.

I learned about nutrition, and toxins in the body. I learned about spirituality and the miracle of forgiveness, and I learned that when those aspects of life are not in balance, life can be pretty sour, but we have been told that when life gives us lemons, we should make lemon-aide! I decided that my future was in my hands, and in the spring of 2013, I began to take initiative and create my own happiness and prosperity!

By summer time, we were eating healthier, and I was beginning to feel better, but still experiencing debilitating health problems. I had been having kidney stones since I was 14 years old, and they were becoming more and more common, to the point that i was passing one every three-or-so months! Those caused urinary tract infections, and I was really trying to get control of that by making sure that I was hydrated and staying away from foods that are considered to cause the stones. I also began having gall-bladder attacks in 2011. I knew that my body was retaliating because I had not been taking care of it and it was not going to be instantly better, not matter how many steps I took to improve myself! These problems didn't appear overnight, and I quickly learned that it would be months before I felt great again.

Speeding Up the Healing Process

Throughout the month of July of 2013, I had greatly improved my diet, and had begun doing some moderate exercise and I was seeing results when a friend approached me about joining a Beachbody fitness challenge that she was hosting in August. I was skeptical, because I had joined weight-loss competitions before and had rarely seen results, but she told me about her experience with Crohn's and something that had helped her called Shakeology. I decided it probably wouldn't hurt to try, and my husband had recently ordered a Beachbody workout program called INSANITY, but he had never gotten more than a few workouts into it. I thought this would be a great time for me to put those workouts into use, so I got started! I COULD NOT BELIEVE THE RESULTS!

I started replacing one meal a day with ShakeO; usually breakfast or lunch, sometimes both! Two days after starting to drink Shakeology, I noticed that I was sleeping more soundly than I had in years, and I was waking up refreshed and excited for my day. I began watching the pounds disappear and I was feeling great, both physically, and mentally! In two months, I had lost 15 pounds, and I was so excited about my progress, I decided when the challenge was over that I was going to become a Beachbody coach so that I could HELP others experience the success that I had!

It is now January of 2014. I am so happy, and I can't even begin to describe what great things have happened in my life over the last  four months! Do I still have bad days? You bet! That is part of life! The difference now, though, is I don't let them take control of me. I understand that those times when we feel a little down are meant to help us be evermore grateful for those precious times we have. It is important to make sure that each time you hit a low point, it is higher than you last low, and you will see progression that way! My life has transformed from selfishness to selflessness, and my whole being is devoted to serving others. I am so grateful for the opportunity that came to me to get back on the right track, and I am loving the lessons I am learning on a daily basis.

If YOU are ready to see positive change in YOUR life, I'd love to help you!
Contact me at 

Here are some of my transformation photos:
This was my first 60 day challenge accountability photo!

Some of the changes I noticed along with the weight-loss were healthier hair, skin, and nails!

My husband is happy and proud of me, and we are working together on this journey!

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